The #ISupportFreePress campaign is a collaborative effort by various organizations to sensitize the public on the importance of press freedom as a tool to drive accountability and transparency in governance.
Independent media is a key element in achieving a transparent and accountable government. That’s why we believe that building citizens’ investment in press freedom is a critical step in creating a society that demands quality journalism, free of influence.
Everyone! Anyone who advocates for good governance and is looking to amplify the voice of transparency and accountability in Nigeria.
You can join in 3 simple steps!
Send a high-resolution photograph, 20 words maximum on why you support a free press, and your social media information to
Host journalists (online/offline/print/broadcast) to talk through issues affecting them. You’re not alone; we will send talking points and an agenda. Get in touch with us at
Journalists know journalists who know other journalists who know other journalists. Help us light up our map of Nigeria with support for the media everywhere!